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OpenWRT x86 r43166 Highmem SMP

This time , I compiled with a stable version of Openwrt (Barrier Breaker) , instead of develop trunk version .




Similar to last time:

1.Supports memory over 4G .
2.Supports SMP , mulit-cores , HyperThreading up to 8 logical cores.
3.All default options of compiling , and I turn on options of USB-HID ( to support usb keyboard)
4.I compiled all packages based on my kernel , you could install them with setting of local repositories.
Please refer to offcial wiki about this part =>http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/techref/opkg#local.repositories
5.With virtual box image file ( only sda version)

If you have questions , please take a look at this FAQ first=》https://www.powerrc.net/openwrt-faq-en.html

download address=>https://www.dropbox.com/sh/02jyauvtwlge300/AABSxiLzz525IgZI1o6ioaARa?dl=0


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本文有评论 3 条

  1. Hi,

    Could you share your .config file? I hope to know how to compile x86_64 openwrt for my atom.

    Could you offer me some detailed guides about compiling openwrt kernel?

    Thank you .

    zed November 10, 2014 at 10:09 am Reply
    • hi , I didn’t save it , can’t share with you , sorry.
      I would save it next time.

      PowerRC November 18, 2014 at 9:36 pm Reply
  2. Hi

    First I need to say thank you very much for your openwrt build.
    It ‘s greate.

    Now I have test your vdi SMP.
    but when I install htop.
    It shows me below.

    root@OpenWrt:/etc# opkg install htop
    Installing htop (1.0.3-1) to root…
    Downloading <a href="http://www.easyzonecorp.net/openwrt/packages/packages/htop_1.0.3-1_x86.ipk" rel="nofollow">http://www.easyzonecorp.net/openwrt/packages/packages/htop_1.0.3-1_x86.ipk</a>.
    Collected errors:
    * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for htop:
    * libncurses *
    * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package htop.

    How do I fix this?

    Best Regards

    EasyZone April 27, 2015 at 1:43 am Reply

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